WonderDookie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wonderdookie/art/Pinky-and-the-Brain-166632569WonderDookie

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Pinky and the Brain



My response to the "Reverse Anthro" challenge at :iconferalgargantua: where the challenge is to take an existing animal character and make them human.

I decided to do Pinky and The Brain because I've been watching a lot of Animaniacs lately.

I was thinking of Brain as being an evil university professor bent on world domination. Unfortunately the university assigned him a witless teaching assistant (Pinky) who accompanies him everywhere. Hilarity ensues.

(P.S. To the Feral Garganuta guys. I couldn't get this to go into the correct folder when I submitted it.)
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kmansonic's avatar

I think brain but how do get to sesame street